Creative director for Snapchat’s first global video campaign. Spanning 12 countries, 8 languages, and thousands of real snaps, this campaign took a doc style approach to introduce pairs of best friends who stay connected through Snap around the world.

Agency: Special Guest

Ayo & Dikembe

London, UK

“The universe kind of like, drew us together.”


Marieh & Jessica

Atlanta, Georgia

‘I know her highs, her lows and vice versa.”

Brian & Cindy

Sydyney, Australia

“As soon as I saw him, I was like, I’m going to snatch that up.”


Daniel & Jie Ying

Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia

“We don’t usually get people to know the true you.”

Aba & Aminah

London, UK

“We share the other side of ourselves that we don’t make public.”