Concept, art direction, UI/UX

eBay wanted an app that would make them relevant again. In one sprint week, I led a team of UX designers and developers to concept and prototype Fever. The goal was to tackle a few immediate problems about the current eBay experience: a lack of personalization and a feeling that it wasn't keeping up with culture.Fever let users shop the moment by curating items based on both the cultural zeitgeist and what their friends were talking about. 

Agency: Junior


Everyday, the user would be given 9 channels based on trending topics and what friends in your social networks were talking about.

The week that this was designed, David Bowie had died, Tame Impala had released an album and the Warriors were headed to the play-offs. The last channel would always be the Hot List, which would contain 10 items personalized to the user's broad interests.

Once the user tapped into a channel, they would see a mix of relevant eBay products, articles being shared on FB by friends and friends' social posts.