Rinee Shah is a creative director and illustrator, based in Portland, Oregon. She is a 2023 Ad Age 40 Under 40 honoree and is currently Executive Creative Director at Hatch.

In the last few years, she’s led creative for Oatly in North America, created an episodic video series for Spotify, creative directed Snapchat’s first global TV campaign, led prototype-building product design sprints for Kodak and published three illustrated books.

She’s a former writer for SF's legendary sketch comedy group Killing My Lobster and her comedy short, Spooners, that she wrote and co-directed, has played in comedy film festivals around the country.

She’s the author and illustrator of The Made-up Words Project, a visual dictionary of made-up language between friends and family. Her second illustrated book OFF: The Day The Internet Died, written by Chris Colin, was released March 2021.

Her third book that she illustrated and co-authored with David Roth, LOL 101: A Kid’s Guide to Writing Jokes, is a #1 Amazon and Barnes & Nobles bestseller, was featured on the TODAY show and is a 2023 Good Housekeeping’s Kid Books Awards winner, 2024 ALA Notable Book and Junior Library Guild Gold Standard selection.

Her award-winning illustration is represented by Friend & Johnson and her clients include Apple, The New York Times, NY Mag, Inside Hook, BuzzFeed News, O Magazine, IDEO, and Simon & Schuster.

She is currently the resident illustrator for the sex and dating column “Date Cute” in The Los Angeles Times.

Here’s her Linkedin profile. 

For illustration inquiries, contact Friend & Johnson
Beth Johnson / bjohnson@friendandjohnson.com
Simone Friend / sfriend@friendandjohnson.com